
Studies on the upgrade of the muon system in the forward region of the CMS experiment at LHC with GEMs

The LHC data-taking will resume in 2015 with energy of 13–14 TeV and luminosity of 2÷5 × 10(34) cm(−)(2) s(−)(1). At those energies, a considerable fraction of the particles produced propagate in the high pseudo-rapidity regions. The proposal for the upgrade of the CMS muon forward system involves G...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Abbaneo, D, Abbrescia, M, Akl, M Abi, Armaingaud, C, Aspell, P, Assran, Y, Bally, S, Ban, Y, Banerjee, S, Barria, P, Benussi, L, Bhopatkar, V, Bianco, S, Bos, J, Bouhali, O, Cai, J, Calabria, C, Castaneda, A, Cauwenbergh, S, Celik, A, Christiansen, J, Colafranceschi, S, Colaleo, A, Garcia, A Conde, Lentdecker, G De, Oliveira, R De, de Robertis, G, Dildick, S, Ferry, S, Flanagan, W, Gilmore, J, Gutierrez, A, Hoepfner, K, Hohlmann, M, Kamon, T, Karchin, P E, Khotilovich, V, Krutelyov, S, Loddo, F, Maerschalk, T, Magazzu, G, Maggi, M, Maghrbi, Y, Marchioro, A, Marinov, A, Mazumdar, N, Merlin, J A, Mukhopadhyay, S, Nuzzo, S, Oliveri, E, Philipps, B, Piccolo, D, Postema, H, Radi, A, Radogna, R, Raffone, G, Ranieri, A, Rodrigues, A, Ropelewski, L, Safonov, A, Sakharov, A, Salva, S, Saviano, G, Sharma, A, Tatarinov, A, Teng, H, Turini, N, Twigger, J, Tytgat, M, Stenis, M van, Verhagen, E, Yang, Y, Zaganidis, N, Zenoni, F
Publicado: 2014
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