
Properties of low-lying intruder states in 34Aland 34Sipopulated in the beta-decay of 34Mg

The results of the IS530 experiment at ISOLDE revealed new information concerning several nuclei close to the N ≈ 20 'Island of Inversion' - 34Mg, 34Al, 34Si. The half-life of 34Mgwas found to be three times larger than the adopted value (63(1) ms instead of 20(10) ms). The beta-gamma spec...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Lică, R, Rotaru, F, Negoită, F, Grévy, S, Mărginean, N, Desagne, Ph, Stora, T, Borcea, C, Borcea, R, Călinescu, S, Daugas, J M, Filipescu, D, Kuti, I, Fraile, L M, Franchoo, S, Gheorghe, I, Ghită, D G, Mărginean, R, Mihai, C, Mourface, P, Morel, P, Mrazek, J, Negret, A, Pietreanu, D, Sava, T, Sohler, D, Stănoiu, M, Stefan, I, Şuvăilă, R, Toma, S, Ur, C A
Publicado: 2015
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