
Observations of the production of two charged pions by negative pions at 14, 16, and 17 Gev

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Baldassarre, F, Caforio, A, Ferraro, D, Ferilli, A, Merlin, M, Semeraro, S, Fisher, C M, Gibson, W M, Mason, A, Venus, W, Evans, D, Hossaim, A, Lock, W O, Wotruba, M F, Wataghin, A, Kasim, M M, Shaukat, M A, Bonetti, A, Fedrighini, A, Herz, A J, Pelosi, V, Sichirollo, A E, Tallone, L, Vegni, G
Publicado: 1962
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