
Gas gain stabilisation in the ATLAS TRT detector

The ATLAS (one of two general purpose detectors at the LHC) Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) is the outermost of the three tracking subsystems of the ATLAS Inner Detector. It is a large straw-based detector and contains about 350,000 electronics channels. The performance of the TRT as tracking and...

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Autores principales: Mindur, B, Åkesson, T P A, Anghinolfi, F, Antonov, A, Arslan, O, Baker, O K, Banas, E, Bault, C, Beddall, A J, Bendotti, J, Benjamin, D P, Bertelsen, H, Bingul, A, Bocci, A, Boldyrev, A S, Brock, I, Garrido, M Cape, Catinaccio, A, Celebi, E, Cetin, S A, Choi, K, Dam, M, Danielsson, H, Davis, D, Degeorge, C, Derendarz, D, Desch, K, Di Girolamo, B, Dittus, F, Dixon, N, Dressnandt, N, Dubinin, F A, Evans, H, Farthouat, P, Fedin, O L, Froidevaux, D, Gavrilenko, I L, Gay, C, Gecse, Z, Godlewski, J, Grefe, C, Gurbuz, S, Hajduk, Z, Hance, M, Haney, B, Hansen, J B, Hansen, P H, Hawkins, A D, Heim, S, Holway, K, Kantserov, V A, Katounine, S, Kayumov, F, Keener, P T, Kisielewski, B, Klopov, N V, Konovalov, S P, Koperny, S, Korotkova, N A, Kowalski, T Z, Kramarenko, V, Krasnopevtsev, D, Kruse, M, Kudin, L G, Lichard, P, Loginov, A, Martinez, N Lorenzo, Lucotte, A, Luehring, F, Lytken, E, Maleev, V P, Maevskiy, A S, Ramos, J Manjarres, Mashinistov, R Y, Meyer, C, Mialkovski, V, Mistry, K, Mitsou, V A, Nadtochi, A V, Newcomer, F M, Novodvorski, E G, Ogren, H, Oh, S H, Oleshko, S B, Olszowska, J, Ostrowicz, W, Palacino, G, Patrichev, S, Penwell, J, Perez-Gomez, F, Peshekhonov, V D, RØhne, O, Reilly, M B, Rembser, C, Ricken, O, Romaniouk, A, Rousseau, D, Ryjov, V, Sasmaz, U, Schaepe, S, Schegelsky, V A, Shmeleva, A P, Shulga, E, Sivoklokov, S, Smirnov, S, Smirnov, Yu, Smirnova, L N, Soldatov, E, Sulin, V V, Tartarelli, G, Taylor, W, Thomson, E, Tikhomirov, V O, Tipton, P, Valls Ferrer, J A, Van Berg, R, Vasquez, J, Vasilyeva, L F, Vlazlo, O, Weinert, B, Williams, H H, Wong, V, Zhukov, K I, Zieminska, D
Publicado: 2016
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