
Measurement of the E1/E3 phase in 226 Ra

We report experimental attempts to determine the sign of the electric dipole moment (relative to the electric octupole moment) in the octupole deformed nucleus 226 Ra. Sensitivity to this quantity is observed in the measured yields of γ-ray transitions following very low energy Coulomb excitation.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Amzal, N, Butler, P A, Hawcroft, D, Hammond, N J, Herzberg, R -D, Jones, G D, Scholey, C, Stezowski, O, Czosnyka, T, Iwanicki, J, Napiorkowski, P J, Julin, R, Mach, H, Cerderka¨ll, J, Fraile, L M, Fynbo, H O U
Publicado: 2004
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