
On the enhanced E1 transitions in the K = 3/2 parity doublet band in$^{223}$Ra

We have applied the fast timing $ \beta\gamma\gamma (t)$ technique to remeasure lifetimes of selected states in$^{223}$Ra populated in the $ \beta^{-}$ decay of$^{223}$Fr. $ T_{1/2}=587(12)$ ps and 210(13)ps have been obtained for the $ 3/2^{-}$ and $ 5/2^{-}$ states at 50.1 and 79.7 keV, that are m...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Mach, H, Lindroth, A, Ruchowska, E, Kvasil, J, Fogelberg, B, Gulda, K, Aas, A J, Borge, M J G, Grant, I S, Hagebø, E, Kurcewicz, W, Martinez, T, Rubio, B, Smith, J F, Steffensen, K, Tain, J L, Tengblad, O, Thorsteinsen, T F
Publicado: 2016
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