
High Luminosity LHC: challenges and plans

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is one of the largest scientific instruments ever built. Since opening up a new energy frontier for exploration in 2010, it has gathered a global user community working in fundamental particle physics and the physics of hadronic matter at extreme temperature and densi...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Arduini, G, Barranco, J, Bertarelli, A, Biancacci, N, Bruce, R, Brüning, O, Buffat, X, Cai, Y, Carver, L R, Fartoukh, S, Giovannozzi, M, Iadarola, G, Li, K, Lechner, A, Medrano, L Medina, Métral, E, Nosochkov, Y, Papaphilippou, Y, Pellegrini, D, Pieloni, T, Qiang, J, Redaelli, S, Romano, A, Rossi, L, Rumolo, G, Salvant, B, Schenk, M, Tambasco, C, Tomás, R, Valishev, S, Veken, F F Van der
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Publicado: JINST 2016
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