
Hi-Lumi LHC Twin-Aperture Orbit Correctors Magnet System Optimisation

The large hadron collider (LHC) upgrade, called high luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is planned for the next decade. A wide range of magnets and new technologies are currently under development. One of these systems will be a set of twin-aperture beam orbit correctors positioned on the approaches to the ATL...

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Autores principales: Kirby, Glyn A, Rysti, Juho, Gentini, L, Van Nugteren, Jeroen, Murtomaki, Jaakko, De Rijk, Gijs, Todesco, Ezio, Scibor, Karol, Mazet, Jacky, Perez, Juan Carlos
Publicado: 2017
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