
Design Optimization of the $Nb_3Sn$ 11 T Dipole for the High Luminosity LHC

Abstract: As a part of the large hadron collider luminosity upgrade (HiLumi-LHC) program, CERN is planning to replace some of the 8.33-T 15-m-long Nb-Ti LHC main dipoles with shorter 11 T Nb$_{3}$Sn magnets providing longitudinal space for additional collimators. Whereas the present design of the 11...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Nilsson, Emelie, Izquierdo Bermudez, Susana, Ballarino, Amalia, Bordini, Bernardo, Bottura, Luca, Fleiter, Jerome, Lackner, Friedrich, Loffler, Christian, Perez, Juan Carlos, Prin, Herve, DeRijk, Gijs, Smekens, David, Savary, Frederic
Publicado: 2017
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