
Instability diagnostics

This paper gives an overview of the available systems for transverse instability diagnostics in the LHC with a focus on those that have been added or upgraded since run 1. The status and performance during 2015 will be reviewed. Finally the outlook for 2016 and planned improvements will be discussed...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Levens, T, Boccardi, A, Butterworth, A, Carver, L R, Daniluk, G, Gasior, M, Höfle, W, Jones, O R, Kotzian, G, Lefevre, T, Molendijk, J C, Sandonís, M Ojeda, Serrano, J, Valuch, D, Włostowski, T, Vaga, F
Publicado: CERN 2016
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