
The PSD CBM Supermodule Response Study for Hadrons in Momentum Range 2 – 6 GeV/c at CERN Test Beams

The Projectile Spectator Detector (PSD) will be used at the Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at FAIR to measure the centrality and orientation of the reaction plane in heavy-ion collisions. A study of PSD supermodule response at proton and pion momentum range 2 – 6 GeV has been done at th...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Finogeev, D, Golubeva, M, Guber, F, Ivashkin, A, Izvestnyy, A, Karpushkin, N, Morozov, S, Reshetin, A
Publicado: 2018
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