Sumario:In order to reduce the beam size by a factor two in the inter-action points, and to increase the rate of collisions by a factorof five, the HL-LHC Project [1] is planning to install in the LHC Interaction Regions (IR) new inner triplet (or low-β) quadru-pole magnets, called MQXF [2]-[6]. With respect to the current triplet quadrupole magnets, MQXF will feature a larger aper-ture, from 70 to 150 mm, a higher peak field, from 8.6 to 11.4 T, and a new superconducting material, Nb3Sn instead of Nb-Ti. Out of the 30 triplets magnets (including spares) that will be installed in the HL-LHC, 20 magnets, called MQXFA and 4.2 m long, will be fabricated by the US Accelerator Research Program (AUP), a continuation of the LARP Program [7].