
Results on radiation tolerance of diamond detectors

In sight of the luminosity increase of the High Luminosity-LHC (HL-LHC), most experiments at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are planning upgrades for their innermost layers in the next 5–10 years. These upgrades will require more radiation tolerant technologies than exist today. Usage of Chemi...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Venturi, N, Alexopoulos, A, Artuso, M, Bachmair, F, Bäni, L, Bartosik, M, Beacham, J, Beck, H, Bellini, V, Belyaev, V, Bentele, B, Bergonzo, P, Bes, A, Brom, J -M, Bruzzi, M, Chiodini, G, Chren, D, Cindro, V, Claus, G, Collot, J, Cumalat, J, Dabrowski, A, D'Alessandro, R, Dauvergne, D, de Boer, W, Dorfer, C, Dunser, M, Eremin, V, Forcolin, G, Forneris, J, Gallin-Martel, L, Gallin-Martel, M -L, Gan, K K, Gastal, M, Giroletti, C, Goffe, M, Goldstein, J, Golubev, A, Gorišek, A, Grigoriev, E, Grosse-Knetter, J, Grummer, A, Gui, B, Guthoff, M, Haughton, I, Hiti, B, Hits, D, Hoeferkamp, M, Hofmann, T, Hosslet, J, Hostachy, J -Y, Hügging, F, Hutton, C, Janssen, J, Kagan, H, Kanxheri, K, Kasieczka, G, Kass, R, Kassel, F, Kis, M, Kramberger, G, Kuleshov, S, Lacoste, A, Lagomarsino, S, Lo Giudice, A, Lukosi, E, Maazouzi, C, Mandic, I, Mathieu, C, Menichelli, M, Mikuž, M, Morozzi, A, Moss, J, Mountain, R, Murphy, S, Muškinja, M, Oh, A, Olivero, P, Passeri, D, Pernegger, H, Perrino, R, Picollo, F, Pomorski, M, Potenza, R, Quadt, A, Re, A, Reichmann, M, Riley, G, Roe, S, Sanz, D, Scaringella, M, Schaefer, D, Schmidt, C J, Smith, D S, Schnetzer, S, Sciortino, S, Scorzoni, A, Seidel, S, Servoli, L, Sopko, B, Sopko, V, Spagnolo, S, Spanier, S, Stenson, K, Stone, R, Sutera, C, Taylor, A, Tannenwald, B, Traeger, M, Tromson, D, Trischuk, W, Tuve, C, Velthuis, J, Vittone, E, Wagner, S, Wallny, R, Wang, J C, Weingarten, J, Weiss, C, Wengler, T, Wermes, N, Yamouni, M, Zavrtanik, M
Publicado: 2019
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