
Development of light and highly radiation transparent cryostats for FCC detector magnets: first analyses of insulation materials

For both versions of the Future Circular Collider, the electron-positron FCC ee$^+$, requiring a 2 T/4 m bore solenoid for particles spectrometry, and the hadron-hadron FCC hh, CERN is developing an innovative design for the detector solenoids, to enable their positioning inside the calorimeters dir...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ilardi, V, Silva, H, Dudarev, A, Koettig, T, Borges de Sousa, P, Busch, L N, Kulenkampff, T, Bielert, E R, ten Kate, H H J
Publicado: IOP 2019
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