
A Radiation-Tolerant Readout System for the ALICE Inner Tracking System Upgrade

During the LHC Long Shutdown in 2019/20, the ALICE collaboration will upgrade various detector sub-systems including the Inner Tracking System (ITS) based on Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor (MAPS) technology. The part of the upgraded ITS readout system installed in the experimental hall consists of 1...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Schambach, J, Alme, J, Bonora, M, Giubilato, P, Hannigan, R, Hillemanns, H, Lupi, M, Nesbø, S V, Rehman, A, Rinella, G Aglieri, Rossewij, M J, Sielewicz, K M, Velure, A
Publicado: Nov.
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