
Inter-strand resistance and AC loss in resin-filler impregnated ReBCO Roebel cables

In the frame of the EuCARD2 collaboration, aimed at developing the technology for 20 T class accelerator magnets, several demonstrator dipole magnets are being built using high critical current density and fully transposed ReBCO tape-based Roebel-type cables. In accelerator magnets the dynamic magne...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Gao, P, Dhallé, M, van Nugteren, B, Norder, H, Kario, A, Otten, S, Goldacker, W, van Nugteren, J, Kirby, G, de Rijk, G, Bottura, L, Rossi, L, ten Kate, H H J
Publicado: 2019
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