
The CLAS12 Geant4 simulation

The Geant4 Monte-Carlo (GEMC) package is used to simulate the passage of particles through the various CLAS12 detectors. The geometry is implemented through a database of Geant4 volumes created either through the GEMC native API, by the CLAS12 geometry service, or imported from the CAD engineering m...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ungaro, M, Angelini, G, Battaglieri, M, Burkert, V D, Carman, D S, Chatagnon, P, Contalbrigo, M, Defurne, M, De Vita, R, Duran, B, Fair, R, Garçon, M, Ghoshal, P, Rajput-Ghoshal, R, Gotra, Y, Joosten, S, Kim, A, Lersch, D, Markov, N, Mestayer, M D, Miller, R, Mirazita, M, Newton, J, Niccolai, S, Phelps, W, Procureur, S, Prok, Y, Puckett, A, Sokhan, D, Stepanyan, S, Vlassov, A, Wang, R, Wiggins, C, Ziegler, V
Publicado: 2020
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