
LHC Optics Corrections in Run 2

The LHC optics commissioning strategy has developed significantly since the start of Run 2. The changes have mainly been driven by the decrease of $\beta$* , which was lowered from 80 cm in 2015 down to 25 cm in 2018. This has changed the impact of the nonlinear errors on the beam dynamics which, if...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Persson, T, Carlier, F, Coello, J, Dilly, J, Fartoukh, S, Fol, E, Garcia-Tabares, A, Giovannozzi, M, Hofer, M, Maclean, E H, Malina, L, Skowronski, P K, Spitznagel, M L, Tomás, R, Wegscheider, A, Wenninger, J
Publicado: 2019
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