
Study of photon strength functions of $^{241}$Pu and $^{245}$Cm from neutron capture measurements

We have measured theγ-rays following neutron capture on240Pu and244Cm at the n_TOF facility at CERN with the Total Absorption Calorimeter (TAC) and with C6D6 organic scintillators. The TAC is made of 40 BaF2 crystals operating in coincidence and covering almost the entire solid angle. This allows to...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Mendoza, E, Alcayne, V, Cano-Ott, D, Kimura, A, Skarbeli, A V, Aberle, O, Amaducci, S, Andrzejewski, J, Audouin, L, Babiano-Suarez, V, Bacak, M, Barbagallo, M, Bécares, V, Bečvář, F, Bellia, G, Berthoumieux, E, Billowes, J, Bosnar, D, Brown, A S, Busso, M, Caamaño, M, Caballero, L, Calviani, M, Calviño, F, Casanovas, A, Cerutti, F, Chen, Y H, Chiaveri, E, Colonna, N, Cortés, G P, Cortés-Giraldo, M A, Cosentino, L, Cristallo, S, Damone, L A, Diakaki, M, Dietz, M, Domingo-Pardo, C, Dressler, R, Dupont, E, Durán, I, Eleme, Z, Fernández-Domíngez, B, Ferrari, A, Ferro-Gonçalves, I, Finocchiaro, P, Furman, V, Garg, R, Gawlik, A, Gilardoni, S, Glodariu, T, Göbel, K, González-Romero, E, Guerrero, C, Gunsing, F, Heinitz, S, Heyse, J, Jenkins, D G, Jericha, E, Kadi, Y, Käppeler, F, Kivel, N, Kokkoris, M, Kopatch, Y, Krtička, M, Kurtulgil, D, Ladarescu, I, Lederer-Woods, C, Lerendegui-Marco, J, Lo Meo, S, Lonsdale, S -J, Macina, D, Manna, A, Martínez, T, Masi, A, Massimi, C, Mastinu, P F, Mastromarco, M, Matteucci, F, Maugeri, E, Mazzone, A, Mengoni, A, Michalopoulou, V, Milazzo, P M, Mingrone, F, Musumarra, A, Negret, A, Nolte, R, Ogállar, F, Oprea, A, Patronis, N, Pavlik, A, Perkowski, J, Piersanti, L, Porras, I, Praena, J, Quesada, J M, Radeck, D, Ramos Doval, D, Reifarth, R, Rochman, D, Rubbia, C, Sabaté-Gilarte, M, Saxena, A, Schillebeeckx, P, Schumann, D, Smith, A G, Sosnin, N, Stamatopoulos, A, Tagliente, G, Tain, J L, Talip, Z, Tarifeño-Saldivia, A E, Tassan-Got, L, Torres-Sánchez, P, Tsinganis, A, Ulrich, J, Urlass, S, Valenta, S, Vannini, G, Variale, V, Vaz, P, Ventura, A, Vlachoudis, V, Vlastou, R, Wallner, A, Woods, P J, Wright, T J, Žugec, P
Publicado: 2020
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