
Impedance Group Summary

The impedance working group was charged to reply to the following 8 questions relevant to the design of high-intensity proton machines such as the SNS or the FNAL driver. These questions were first discussed one by one in the whole group, then each ne of them assigned to one member to summarize. On...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Blaskiewicz, M, Dooling, J, Dyachkov, M, Fedotov, M, Gluckstern, R, Hahn, H, Huang, H, Kurennoy, S, Linnecar, T, Shaposhnikova, E, Stupakov, G, Toyama, T, Wang, J G, Weng, W T, Zhang, S Y, Zotter, B
Publicado: 1999
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