
Field Quality of the First LARP Nb$_3$Sn 3.7m-Long Quadrupole Model of LQ Series

The US-LHC accelerator research program (LARP) built and tested the first 3.7-m long Nb$_3$Sn quadrupole model of LQ series with a 90 mm bore diameter and a target field gradient of 200 T/m. The LQ series, developed in collaboration among FNAL, LBNL and BNL, is a scale up of the previously tested 1-...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Velev, G V, Ambrosio, G, Andreev, N, Anerella, M, Bossert, R, Caspi, S, Chlachidze, G, DiMarco, J, Escallier, J, Felice, H, Ferracin, P, Kashikhin, V V, Lamm, M J, Nobrega, F, Prebys, E, Sabbi, G L, Schmalzle, J, Tartaglia, M, Wanderer, P, Zlobin, A V
Publicado: 2011
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