
Mujeres: barro y maíz. Mujeres rurales y estrategias de subsistencia en Amatenango del Valle, Chiapas

The Mexican rural sector has undergone socio-productive changes, which are confronted through adaptations in life strategies. These strategies have been analyzed through systemic, ethno-biological, and gender, subsistence strategies of families from Amatenango del Valle, Chiapas; the role of peasant...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Maldonado López, Lesly Georgina, Mariaca Méndez, Ramón, Nazar Beutelspacher, Austreberta, Rosset, Peter, Contreras Cortés, Ulises Leonardo Ernesto
Formato: Online Artículo
Publicado: Universidad Autónoma Chapingo 2017
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