
High performance older adults in a population-based sample with low education: Pietà study

Background  Healthy brain aging can be defined as aging without neurological or psychiatric disorders, sustaining functional independence. In addition to the absence of disease and preserved functionality, there are individuals who stand out for their superior performance to that considered normal f...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Carmona, Karoline Carvalho, Resende, Elisa de Paula França, Guimarães, Henrique Cerqueira, Machado, Thais Helena, Amaral-Carvalho, Viviane, Santos, Etelvina Lucas dos, Barbosa, Maira Tonidandel, Caramelli, Paulo
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Thieme Revinter Publicações Ltda. 2023
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