
MAIT cell inhibition promotes liver fibrosis regression via macrophage phenotype reprogramming

Recent data have shown that liver fibrosis can regress even at later stages of cirrhosis and shifting the immune response from pro-inflammatory towards a resolutive profile is considered as a promising option. The immune regulatory networks that govern the shift of the inflammatory phenotype and thu...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Mabire, Morgane, Hegde, Pushpa, Hammoutene, Adel, Wan, Jinghong, Caër, Charles, Sayegh, Rola Al, Cadoux, Mathilde, Allaire, Manon, Weiss, Emmanuel, Thibault-Sogorb, Tristan, Lantz, Olivier, Goodhardt, Michèle, Paradis, Valérie, de la Grange, Pierre, Gilgenkrantz, Hélène, Lotersztajn, Sophie
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group UK 2023
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