
Assessing Virtual Reality Spaces for Elders Using Image-Based Sentiment Analysis and Stress Level Detection

Seniors, in order to be able to fight loneliness, need to communicate with other people and be engaged in activities to keep their minds active to increase their social capital. There is an intensified interest in the development of social virtual reality environments, either by commerce or by acade...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kosti, Makrina Viola, Georgakopoulou, Nefeli, Diplaris, Sotiris, Pistola, Theodora, Chatzistavros, Konstantinos, Xefteris, Vasileios-Rafail, Tsanousa, Athina, Vrochidis, Stefanos, Kompatsiaris, Ioannis
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2023
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