
Playing Closer: Using Virtual Reality to Measure Approach Bias of Internet Gaming Disorder

Playing online games is gradually becoming mainstream entertainment, but some people may develop Internet gaming disorder (IGD). Like other behavioral addictive diseases, one of the main characteristics of IGD is a craving for games, which also makes people tend to approach game-related clues. Recen...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Wei, Wen, Wang, Qi, Ding, Ruyi, Dong, Rui, Ni, Shiguang
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2023
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Sumario:Playing online games is gradually becoming mainstream entertainment, but some people may develop Internet gaming disorder (IGD). Like other behavioral addictive diseases, one of the main characteristics of IGD is a craving for games, which also makes people tend to approach game-related clues. Recently, a few researchers have started to use the approach–avoidance task (AAT) paradigm to study the approach bias of IGD, and they also think it is an essential characteristic of IGD. However, the traditional AAT cannot provide realistic approach–avoidance behavior to stimuli, and virtual reality has been proven to provide a highly ecological environment to measure approach bias. Therefore, this study innovatively integrates virtual reality and the AAT paradigm to measure the approach bias of IGD. We found that compared with neutral stimuli, IGD spent less time approaching game-related stimuli, which indicates that it is difficult for IGD to avoid game-related situations in the virtual environment. This study also revealed that game-related content stimuli in virtual reality alone did not increase the IGD group’s craving for games. These results proved that AAT in VR could cause the approach bias of IGD and provide high ecological validity and an effective tool for the intervention of IGD in the future.