
Primary Tumour Treatment in Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer with Unresectable Liver and Lung Metastases and No Peritoneal Carcinomatosis—Current Trends and Attitudes in the Absence of Clear Guidelines

Background: The treatment of the primary tumour in colorectal cancer with unresectable liver and/or lung metastases but no peritoneal carcinomatosis is still a matter of debate. In the absence of clear evidence and guidelines, our survey was aimed at obtaining a snapshot of the current attitudes and...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Tebala, Giovanni Domenico, Di Cintio, Antonio, Ricci, Francesco, Avenia, Stefano, Cirocchi, Roberto, Desiderio, Jacopo, Di Nardo, Domenico, Di Saverio, Salomone, Gemini, Alessandro, Ranucci, Maria Chiara, Trastulli, Stefano, Cianchi, Fabio, Scatizzi, Marco, Catena, Fausto
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2023
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