
The rs2682826 Polymorphism of the NOS1 Gene Is Associated with the Degree of Disability of Erectile Dysfunction

SIMPLE SUMMARY: As age advances, the risk for developing erectile dysfunction (ED) in men increases. ED can be a mark for cardiovascular diseases, as well as be related to mental disorders such as depression. There are some inherited features that can predict such complications. Therefore, in this s...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Perticarrara Ferezin, Leticia, Kayzuka, Cezar, Rondon Pereira, Vitória Carolina, Ferreira de Andrade, Murilo, Molina, Carlos Augusto Fernandes, Tucci, Silvio, Tanus-Santos, Jose Eduardo, Lacchini, Riccardo
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2023
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