
Control de Calidad Externo en Inmunohematología del Banco de Sangre del Centro Médico Nacional. Historia y presente

For the proper functioning of the Immunohematology Area, an External Quality Control was established since 1973 through a program that evaluates the performance of the laboratories of the Blood Bank and transfusion services that carry out immunohematology tests. This program consists of sending pane...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Velázquez-Vázquez, Isabel, Galván-Bobadilla, Alexis Ignacio, Bonilla-Zavala, Ruth, González-Moreno, Elizabeth, Sánchez-Cañas, José Alberto, Villegas-Martínez, Rita, Castillo-Albarrán, Fátima Martha, Benítez-Arvizu, Gamaliel
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social 2023
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