
Impact of yarn compositions, loop length, and float stitches on the mechanical behavior of knitted fabrics via full factorial design and RSM

This article presents a study on the tensile properties of knitted fabrics commonly employed in polymeric matrix textile composites. The key mechanical parameters investigated include stress (Pa), strain, Young's modulus (Pa), and work of rupture (J). The knitted fabrics were developed using th...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Santos, Thiago F., Santos, Caroliny M., Zilio, Lucas, Dias, Mariana, Jagadeesh, Praveenkumara, M R, Sanjay, Siengchin, Suchart, Fonseca, Rubens, Amaral, Adriano, Aquino, Marcos, Medeiros, Ivan
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier 2023
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