
‘The way you talk, do I have a choice?’ Patient narratives of medication decision-making during hospitalization

OBJECTIVE: Based on the principle of the autonomy of the patient, shared decision-making (SDM) is the ideal approach in clinical encounters. In SDM, patients and healthcare professionals (HCPs) share knowledge and power when faced with the task of making decisions. However, patients are often not in...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Rognan, Stine Eidhammer, Jørgensen, Mie Jedig, Mathiesen, Liv, Druedahl, Louise Christine, Lie, Helene Berg, Bengtsson, Kajsa, Andersson, Yvonne, Sporrong, Sofia Kälvemark
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Taylor & Francis 2023
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