
Head-to-head comparison of the WHO STEPwise approach with immediate unattended and delayed unattended automated blood pressure measurements during household-based screening: a diagnostic accuracy study in Lesotho

BACKGROUND: WHO introduced the STEPwise approach to surveillance (STEPS) to monitor trends in non-communicable diseases. For arterial hypertension, the STEPS protocol takes the average of the last two out of three standard blood pressure measurements (SBPM). This study assesses the diagnostic accura...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Firima, Emmanuel, Retselisitsoe, Lefokotsane, Leisa, Ikhetheleng, Manthabiseng, Molulela, Sematle, Mamoronts’ane P., Bane, Matumaole, Khomolishoele, Makhebe, Gonzalez, Lucia, Gupta, Ravi, McCrosky, Stephen, Lee, Tristan, Chammartin, Frédérique, Leigh, Bailah, Weisser, Maja, Amstutz, Alain, Burkard, Thilo, Labhardt, Niklaus Daniel
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier 2023
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