
Perceptions of Obstetrics/Gynecology Surgeons on Non-medically Indicated Cesarean Sections: A Cross-Sectional Study

Background: Numerous factors can influence decisions regarding the type of delivery of human babies. There is an increasing demand for non-medically indicated cesarean sections (CS) (non-miCS) or CS on request (CSor). Therefore, this survey study aimed to identify the factors that may foster the dec...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Majeed, Nasreen G, Mustafa, Shakhawan A, Makram, Abdelrahman M, Mohammed, Paxshan A, Abdul Aziz, Jeza M, Mansour, Mina M, Qadir, Dilsoz M, Arif, Ali T, Mahmmod, Maryam B, Rasheed, Mariwan K, Huy, Nguyen Tien
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Cureus 2023
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