
The genome-wide relationships of the critically endangered Quadricorna sheep in the Mediterranean region

Livestock European diffusion followed different human migration waves from the Fertile Crescent. In sheep, at least two diffusion waves have shaped the current breeds’ biodiversity generating a complex genetic pattern composed by either primitive or fine-wool selected breeds. Nowadays most of the sh...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Senczuk, Gabriele, Di Civita, Marika, Rillo, Luigina, Macciocchi, Alessandra, Occidente, Mariaconsiglia, Saralli, Giorgio, D’Onofrio, Valentina, Galli, Tiziana, Persichilli, Christian, Di Giovannantonio, Claudio, Pilla, Fabio, Matassino, Donato
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2023
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