
Semmelweis Caring University Model Program: A Holistic Approach to Promoting Healthy Ageing through a Longitudinal Cohort Study, Preventive Services and Workplace Health Promotion

Hungary is facing an alarming public health situation due to the unhealthy ageing of its population, calling for innovative and effective approaches to promote healthy ageing. This presentation showcases the Semmelweis Caring University Model Program, a unique and holistic program developed by the l...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ungvári, Z, Adany, R, Tabak, A, Purebl, G, Kaposvari, C, Fazekas-Pongor, V, Östlin, P, Yon, Y, Voko, Z, Merkely, B
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2023
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