
Exploring the World of Membrane Proteins: Techniques and Methods for Understanding Structure, Function, and Dynamics

In eukaryotic cells, membrane proteins play a crucial role. They fall into three categories: intrinsic proteins, extrinsic proteins, and proteins that are essential to the human genome (30% of which is devoted to encoding them). Hydrophobic interactions inside the membrane serve to stabilize integra...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Boulos, Imad, Jabbour, Joy, Khoury, Serena, Mikhael, Nehme, Tishkova, Victoria, Candoni, Nadine, Ghadieh, Hilda E., Veesler, Stéphane, Bassim, Youssef, Azar, Sami, Harb, Frédéric
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2023
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