
p16(Ink4a), a marker of cellular senescence, is associated with renal disease in the B6.NZMSle1/Sle2/Sle3 mouse model of lupus

OBJECTIVES: Despite treatment, one-third of patients with lupus nephritis (LN) show a decline in renal function. Prognostic markers of poor outcome as well as novel therapeutic targets are therefore highly sought. We showed that p16(INK4a), a marker of cellular senescence, is observed in baseline ki...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Tilman, Gaëlle, Dupré, Emilie, Watteyne, Laura, Baert, Charlotte Anne, Nolf, Delphine, Benhaddi, Fatima, Lambert, Fanny, Daumerie, Aurélie, Bouzin, Caroline, Lucas, Sophie, Limaye, Nisha
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BMJ Publishing Group 2023
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