
Pharmacological evidence supporting a role for IL-1, IL-2 and serotonin in the inflammation induced by Schistosoma mansoni Soluble Egg Antigen (SEA) in rat paws.

THIS study intended to characterize pharmacologically the mediator(s) released in the inflammation induced by Soluble Egg Antigen (SEA), the main antigen released from eggs of Schistosoma mansoni, in rat hindpaws. A single intraplantar injection of 0.1-100 microg SEA at day zero induced a dose-depen...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Pacheco, C M, Tavares, C A, Coelho, P M, Rocha, O A, Santos, J M, Prado, F R, Francischi, J N
Formato: Texto
Publicado: 1998
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