
Analyses of p53 antibodies in sera of patients with lung carcinoma define immunodominant regions in the p53 protein.

Antibodies specific for human p53 were analysed in sera of lung cancer patients. We detected p53 antibodies in the sera of 24% (10/42) of patients with lung carcinoma. The distribution was as follows: 4/9 small-cell lung carcinomas (SCLCs), 2/18 squamous cell lung carcinomas (SCCs), 2/10 adenocarcin...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Schlichtholz, B., Trédaniel, J., Lubin, R., Zalcman, G., Hirsch, A., Soussi, T.
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group 1994
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