
Assay of anti-cancer drugs in tissue culture: relationship of relapse free interval (RFI) and in vitro chemosensitivity in patients with malignant cerebral glioma.

One hundred and seventeen patients with cerebral glioma (Kernohan grades III and IV) were treated with adjuvant chemotherapy using procarbazine (PCB), CCNU and vincristine (VCR) following whole head irradiation. Cell cultures were prepared from 40 patients in this series and their sensitivity to eac...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Thomas, D. G., Darling, J. L., Paul, E. A., Mott, T. J., Godlee, J. N., Tobias, J. S., Capra, L. G., Collins, C. D., Mooney, C., Bozek, T.
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group 1985
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