
Induction of apoptosis in human tumour xenografts after oral administration of uracil and tegafur to nude mice bearing tumours.

Various types of anti-neoplastic agents induce apoptosis in vitro, but less is known of the role of this mode of cell death in tumours treated in vivo. We examined the induction of apoptosis by oral anti-neoplastic agents, tegafur and uracil (UFT, a combined preparation of 1 mol tegafur and 4 mol ur...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Oki, E., Sakaguchi, Y., Toh, Y., Oda, S., Maehara, Y., Yamamoto, N., Sugimachi, K.
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group|1 1998
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