
Docetaxel (Taxotere): an active agent in metastatic urothelial cancer; results of a phase II study in non-chemotherapy-pretreated patients.

The semisynthetic taxoid docetaxel was investigated in a phase II study in non-chemotherapy pretreated patients with metastatic urothelial cell cancer. Thirty patients (median age 61, range 45-72) were treated with docetaxel 100 mg m(-2) administered as a 1-h infusion every 3 weeks. Of 29 evaluable...

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Autores principales: de Wit, R., Kruit, W. H., Stoter, G., de Boer, M., Kerger, J., Verweij, J.
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group|1 1998
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