
IMMUNE RESPONSES IN VITRO : XI. Suppression of Primary IgM and IgG Plaque-Forming Cell Responses In Vitro by Alloantisera Against Leukocyte Alloantigens

The effects of alloantisera against leukocyte alloantigens on plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses to sheep erythrocytes and the terpolymer of L-glutamic acid(60)-L-alanine(30)-L-tyrosine(10) (GAT) by mouse spleen cells in vitro have been investigated. Polyspecific antibodies against both H-2 and non...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Pierce, Carl W., Kapp, Judith A., Solliday, Susan M., Dorf, Martin E., Benacerraf, Baruj
Formato: Texto
Publicado: The Rockefeller University Press 1974
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