
Intracellular pH Regulation in Cultured Astrocytes from Rat Hippocampus : II. Electrogenic Na/HCO(3) Cotransport

In the preceding paper (Bevensee, M.O., R.A. Weed, and W.F. Boron. 1997. J. Gen. Physiol. 110: 453–465.), we showed that a Na(+)-driven influx of HCO(3) (−) causes the increase in intracellular pH (pH(i)) observed when astrocytes cultured from rat hippocampus are exposed to 5% CO(2)/17 mM HCO(3) (−)...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bevensee, Mark O., Apkon, Michael, Boron, Walter F.
Formato: Texto
Publicado: The Rockefeller University Press 1997
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