
Malaria risk and access to prevention and treatment in the paddies of the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania

BACKGROUND: The Kilombero Valley is a highly malaria-endemic agricultural area in south-eastern Tanzania. Seasonal flooding of the valley is favourable to malaria transmission. During the farming season, many households move to distant field sites (shamba in Swahili) in the fertile river floodplain...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Hetzel, Manuel W, Alba, Sandra, Fankhauser, Mariette, Mayumana, Iddy, Lengeler, Christian, Obrist, Brigit, Nathan, Rose, Makemba, Ahmed M, Mshana, Christopher, Schulze, Alexander, Mshinda, Hassan
Formato: Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2008
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