
Cervical squamous carcinoma cells are resistant to the combined action of tumor necrosis factor-α and histamine whereas normal keratinocytes undergo cytolysis

BACKGROUND: Previous reports showed that mast cells can typically be found in the peritumoral stroma of cervix carcinomas as well as in many other cancers. Both histamine and TNF-α are potent preformed mast cell mediators and they can act simultaneously after release from mast cells. Thus, the effec...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Diaconu, Nicolae-Costin, Rummukainen, Jaana, Mättö, Mikko, Naukkarinen, Anita, Harvima, Rauno J, Pelkonen, Jukka, Harvima, Ilkka T
Formato: Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2008
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