
A longitudinal study of environmental tobacco smoke exposure in children: Parental self reports versus age dependent biomarkers

BACKGROUND: Awareness of the negative effects of smoking on children's health prompted a decrease in the self-reporting of parental tobacco use in periodic surveys from most industrialized countries. Our aim is to assess changes between ETS exposure at the end of pregnancy and at 4 years of age...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Puig, Carme, Garcia-Algar, Oscar, Monleon, Toni, Pacifici, Roberta, Zuccaro, Piergiorgio, Sunyer, Jordi, Figueroa, Cecilia, Pichini, Simona, Vall, Oriol
Formato: Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2008
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