
hTR repressor-related gene on human chromosome 10p15.1

Somatic cells express genes that suppress telomerase activity and these genes may be inactivated in tumour cells. We postulated that cancer cells acquire immortality by activation of telomerase by the loss of such a gene. We have reported recently that a telomerase repressor gene may be located on 1...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Miura, N, Onuki, N, Rathi, A, Virmani, A, Nakamoto, S, Kishimoto, Y, Murawaki, Y, Kawasaki, H, Hasegawa, J, Oshimura, M, Travis, W D, Gazdar, A F
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group 2001
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