
Distinct Genetic Loci Control Plasma HIV-RNA and Cellular HIV-DNA Levels in HIV-1 Infection: The ANRS Genome Wide Association 01 Study

Previous studies of the HIV-1 disease have shown that HLA and Chemokine receptor genetic variants influence disease progression and early viral load. We performed a Genome Wide Association study in a cohort of 605 HIV-1-infected seroconverters for detection of novel genetic factors that influence pl...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Dalmasso, Cyril, Carpentier, Wassila, Meyer, Laurence, Rouzioux, Christine, Goujard, Cécile, Chaix, Marie-Laure, Lambotte, Olivier, Avettand-Fenoel, Véronique, Le Clerc, Sigrid, de Senneville, Laure Denis, Deveau, Christiane, Boufassa, Faroudy, Debré, Patrice, Delfraissy, Jean-François, Broet, Philippe, Theodorou, Ioannis
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2008
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