
The NOD/RIP2 Pathway Is Essential for Host Defenses Against Chlamydophila pneumoniae Lung Infection

Here we investigated the role of the Nod/Rip2 pathway in host responses to Chlamydophila pneumoniae–induced pneumonia in mice. Rip2(−/−) mice infected with C. pneumoniae exhibited impaired iNOS expression and NO production, and delayed neutrophil recruitment to the lungs. Levels of IL-6 and IFN-γ le...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Shimada, Kenichi, Chen, Shuang, Dempsey, Paul W., Sorrentino, Rosalinda, Alsabeh, Randa, Slepenkin, Anatoly V., Peterson, Ellena, Doherty, Terence M., Underhill, David, Crother, Timothy R., Arditi, Moshe
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2009
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